Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs injured by bacteria, viruses, fungi or other pathogens cause.
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Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms of pneumonia are often very similar to colds and flu. Chest pain is the most common symptom. Symptoms may vary depending on the cause:
Bacterial Pneumonia: Symptoms usually occur suddenly, include chills, high fever, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, sputum characteristics of blue or yellow. Pneumonia caused by bacteria usually localized in one area (lobe) of the lung called pneumonia lobe.
Virus: About half of the cases of pneumonia are caused by viruses. The disease usually begins with flu-like symptoms, a dry cough, headache, fever, muscle aches and fatigue. As the disease progresses, patients may have shortness of breath and coughing up sputum or white. The pneumonia virus also the risk of bacterial superinfection.
Mycoplasma: mycoplasma pneumonia with symptoms similar to pneumonia caused by bacteria or virus, but the symptoms are usually mild and patients may not even know if I have pneumonia.
Mushrooms: Some fungi can cause pneumonia, although less common. Some people may have very few symptoms, but some people may have severe pneumonia and persistent.
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: Pneumonia caused by P. carinii is a common opportunistic infection in people with HIV / AIDS. Persons with weakened immune system due to organ transplant, chemotherapy or corticosteroid therapy or other immunosuppressive drugs kahc risk. Symptoms of pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii include persistent cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
Pneumonia occurs when the pathogen to overcome the body's defenses and invade the respiratory tract. At that, the white blood cells start attacking pathogens. The accumulation of pathogens, bachc Europe and CCS immune protein in alveolar alveoli causes inflammation and leads to shortness of breath and fluid volume of the common typical pneumonia.
And diagnostic tests
English ran in the lung when listening with a stethoscope.
Chest X-rays to identify pneumonia as well as the location and extent of lesions in the lungs.
Blood tests and sputum tests.
The treatment usually depending on the severity of symptoms and pneumonia. Specifically:
- Bacterial Pneumonia: usually treated with antibiotics. To prevent drug resistance, the need to use adequate doses of antibiotics even when the disease was in remission.
- Viral Pneumonia: Antibiotics have no effect. Patients are generally treated the same as with the flu: rest and drink plenty of water ..
Mycoplasma pneumonia: antibiotic treatment. In some cases the disease can be very mild and do not require treatment.
Fungal pneumonia: will be treated with antifungal medications.
· Full Vaccination
· Wash your hands often
· Do not smoke
· A reasonable diet and regular exercise to enhance fitness.